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What Mukden campus line Korea heavy possessed high cold liao younger sister

2016-11-08 02:38:12来源: 大众网

大众网娱乐 日前,杨蓉、白宇、何奉天等主演携《美人为馅》剧组现身中国政法大学,与同学们一起分享拍戏趣事,而饰演周小篆的演员何奉天首次尝试了角色互换,扮演起了自己在剧中最崇拜的男主韩沉,瞬间引发台下观众尖叫连连。 在角色扮演游戏环节中,何奉天抽中了韩沉的角色,杨蓉抽中周小篆,白宇则抽中...

Public network entertainment, Yang Rong, Bai Yu, why to Mukden starred together with the beautiful artificial filling cast in China university of political science and law, and share with classmates take sport fun, and playing week seal script actor what Mukden first attempt the roles were reversed, play up his favorite male Lord in the play Korean heavy, instantly trigger the audience screamed repeatedly. In role playing games, the role of the Korea fell on any Mukden sink, smoke Yang Rong weeks in seal script, Bai Yu smoke...