新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曼联1亿天王伤退出战联赛成疑 穆帅靠小猪救命?

曼联1亿天王伤退出战联赛成疑 穆帅靠小猪救命?

United 100 million pop injury league in doubt Jose mourinho on the pig for help?

2016-11-04 09:46:17来源: 华体网

博格巴伤退 欧联杯1-2客场不敌费内巴切,对于穆里尼奥和他的曼联来说并不是末日。本来,欧联杯也不是穆帅本赛季的重点。但比失利更加严重的是,重金引进的博格巴因伤离场,曼联中场陷入了困境。 博格巴是...

Pogba withdrawal Europa league 1-2 away against fenerbahce, for mourinho and his Manchester united is not the end. Originally, the focus of the Europa league is not jose mourinho this season. But it is more serious than loss, heavily imported pogba out due to injury, the Manchester united midfielder was in trouble. Pogba is...