新关注 > 信息聚合 > 33县土地管理法或将暂时调整 国土部已上报

33县土地管理法或将暂时调整 国土部已上报

33 county land management law or the temporary adjustment has been submitted to the Ministry of land

2015-02-25 23:32:21来源: 地产中国

原标题:全国人大常委会拟授权国务院在33个试点县(市、区)暂时调整实施土地管理法的相关规定 全国人大常委会25日审议相关决定草案,拟授权国务院在北京市大兴区等33个试点县(市、区)行政区域,暂时调...

original title: the National People's Congress to be authorized by the State Council in 33 pilot counties (cities, districts) to temporarily adjust the relevant provisions of the implementation of the land administration law of the 25 national people's Congress on the consideration of the relevant draft decision, to be authorized by the State Council in 33 pilot counties Beijing City, Daxing District (city and district) administrative area, temporary transfer...