新关注 > 信息聚合 > “神算子”屈韬一心为学着想 答应多抽时间陪伴儿子

“神算子”屈韬一心为学着想 答应多抽时间陪伴儿子

"Psychic" Qu Tao wholeheartedly for sake promised to pull out the time to accompany son

2015-09-09 21:28:58来源: 南海网

【颁奖词】师心如斯 “玉壶存冰心,朱笔写师魂。谆谆如父语,殷殷似友亲” 。你把对儿子的深埋心底,却把父爱溢满每个学生心田,你用敬业演绎了专业的传神,一片苦心,一腔热忱,点燃自信的明灯,照耀一生。 ...

[awards the word] division heart predicament "jade deposit Bingxin, vermilion brush writing soul. You as a father, dear friends like earnest". You put the son buried deep in my heart, but the father Yiman every students' heart, you with professional interpretation of the professional vivid, a painstaking, zeal, lit a beacon of confidence and life shine. ...