新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谁更舍得花钱买苹果设备?是老男人!


Who is more willing to spend money to buy Apple Devices? Old man! Tracks the slice intelligence company released information shows

2015-10-30 11:50:59来源: 中关村在线

在线购物数据追踪公司Slice Intelligence发布的信息显示,在美国市场,65岁及以上年龄的男性在苹果设备上的花费高于任何一个群体。 这一群体虽然在苹果的所有用户中占比不到四分之一,但...

online shopping data. In the United States market, 65 years old and older men in the apple devices cost is higher than any one group. Although this group accounted for less than 1/4 of all users of apple, but...

标签: 苹果