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粽夏情 致父爱-源福福田端午特卖会

Father - the source of blessing Futian Dragon Boat sale due to summer love dumplings will

2015-06-17 22:33:01来源: 爱卡汽车网

6月20日-21日,源福福田与您共度端午佳节及父亲节,并诚邀广大新老顾客莅临本店参加粽夏情 致父爱活动,购车有除价格优惠外还有砸金蛋拿大礼的机会哦。保证百分之百有礼,一定让所有的顾客买的实惠,购得放...

6 month 20 - 21 day, the source of blessing Futian share with you the Dragon Boat Festival and father's day, and invites the vast number of new and old customers to visit our shop in dumplings summer father activity induced by, the car in addition to the price of concessions and smashing golden egg to take the gift of opportunity Oh. Guarantee one hundred percent a gift, must let all customers buy the benefits, the purchase of...