新关注 > 信息聚合 > WCA英魂之刃这波不亏胜走北狼赤焰进决赛


The blade of the souls of the WCA this wave do not lose wins away North wolf off in the final

2015-07-04 22:18:39来源: 新浪

全新概念网游《英魂之刃》的职业选手们在此次WCA2015中国区资格赛上迎来了半决赛的精彩对抗,7月4日,由这波不亏迎战北狼赤焰。 比赛开始,由北狼赤焰战队(图一)先BAN,他们BAN掉了暗月猎手、关于和阿波罗等英雄,而这波不亏禁掉了小乔张飞。之后的选人中,这波不亏选手秒选自己擅长的英...

brand-new concept online games the souls of the edge "of professional players in the match of the WCA2015 qualification China ushered in the semi-finals of the wonderful rivalry. On July 4, by the wave not to lose against the North wolf off. The start of the game, by the North wolf ChiYan Corps (Figure 1) to ban, ban them off the Dark Hunter, about, and Apollo, hero, and the wave do not lose banned Joe Zhang Fei. After the selection of the candidates, this wave is not a good choice for the players to choose their own good...