新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《怪物猎人:世界》第一轮封测中最受玩家欢迎的武器果然是……


The monster hunter: the world of the most popular with the players in the first round of testing weapons indeed as expected is that......

2017-12-23 12:55:06来源: DoNews


Airplane game Wang Han not dec 22 - "monster hunter: world" in the first round of testing has on December 13, 2017, drew a satisfactory full stop. At the end of the test, the development team launched an Internet survey through social media. This survey shows for us the first round of tests, the hunters weapon usage. Eighth: shield axe, a hammer utilization rate (35.7%) as has never miss a classic since early generation of weapons, the hammer in the presence of monster hunter: to the world is still very strong. In "the monster hunter: the world," the hunters can also in the process of xu li enter a state of "power saving", to improve their damage. From a series of 4th generation to join shield axe also popular with hunters. Compared with those of previous use of shield in the axes of the player can shoot out while you are moving and in play, very convenient. Seventh: chopper chopper (36.2%) of...

标签: 玩家 怪物猎人