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谷歌首家零售体验店伦敦开张 可自由体验

Google first retail store experience London opened to free experience

2015-03-11 16:46:43来源: 大河网

【环球科技综合报道】 据英国《每日邮报》3月11日报道,谷歌在伦敦开设首家零售体验店,顾客在店里可以自由体验谷歌开发的多种新型电子产品。 据报道,谷歌首家零售体验店落户于伦敦市中心柯里电脑城(Curry PC World)。该店主推谷歌开发的安卓智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑以及智能...

[global technology comprehensive report] according to the British "Daily Mail" reported on March 11th, Google opened its first retail store in London experience, customers can Google developed a variety of new electronic products experience freedom in the shop. According to reports, Google first retail store experience settled in central London Currie computer city (Curry PC World). The shopkeeper push Google developed Android smart mobile phone, tablet computer, notebook computer and intelligent...

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