新关注 > 信息聚合 > 市民京东上买的热水器不能用 还要自掏安装费?

市民京东上买的热水器不能用 还要自掏安装费?

Installation fee water heater can not be bought with public Jingdong also pay?

2015-03-12 15:03:38来源: 中国山东网

东营网讯 2月27日,市民杨女士从京东网上商城购买了一台热水器。3月6日,安装师傅上门安装,结果安装后发现热水器居然无法使用!杨女士气恼之余想退还,结果却被告知,已收的安装费283元和远程费100元无法退还。 2月27日,杨女士在京东网上商城购买一台万家乐燃气热水器,售价2398元。...

Dongying network February 27th, citizens Ms. Yang bought a water heater from Jingdong online mall. In March 6th, the installation of the master door installation, installation of water heater was found after the results can not be used! Ms. Yang angry I want to refund, only to be told, has received the installation costs 283 yuan and 100 yuan fee is not refundable remote. In February 27th, Ms. Yang to buy a Macro gas water heater in the Jingdong online mall, the price of 2398 yuan. ...

标签: 京东