新关注 > 信息聚合 > “群樱”大战再度打响 生鲜电商品牌和标准是关键

“群樱”大战再度打响 生鲜电商品牌和标准是关键

Group Sakura wars started again fresh business brand and standard is the key

2015-06-10 10:55:06来源: 河北新闻网

□贾楠 眼下,无论是晶莹剔透的本土黄水晶大樱桃,还是饱满红润的美国车厘子,都到了收获的季节,农贸市场、水果专营店、连锁超市一片片火红的樱桃让人垂涎欲滴。与此同时, 淘宝、1号店、京东、微信商城甚至是朋友圈,这段时间全球“群樱”刷屏正当时。一场生鲜电商间互相较量的“群樱”大战已然打响。...

] Jia Nan now, whether it is crystal clear local yellow crystal big cherry, or the full ruddy American cherries, to the harvest season, farmers market, fruit franchise stores, supermarket chains, a piece of red cherry let people salivating. At the same time, Taobao, No. 1 shop, Jingdong, micro channel mall even circle of friends, this period of time the global group Sakura scraper is at that time. A fresh electricity suppliers between the group Sakura war has begun. ...

标签: 电商