新关注 > 信息聚合 > 史蒂夫-布鲁斯:曾是悬疑小说作家


Steve Bruce: was once a mystery novel writer

2016-10-30 01:42:24来源: 华体网

体育10月29日讯 前伯明翰主帅史蒂夫-布鲁斯带领他的新队伍重返故地。他也揭示了自己不可思议的过去。 布鲁斯承认自己曾是一名小说家,但他坚信自己生活中的每一章都是美好真实的。 现任阿斯顿维拉主帅...

October 29, sports - the former Birmingham boss Steve Bruce led his new team to return to. He also reveals his incredible in the past. Bruce admits he was a novelist, but he believes that each chapter of your life is good for real. The aston villa boss...