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顺丰否认关闭嘿客 还要继续加码O2O生意

SF denying closed hey passengers but also continue to overweight recently o2o business

2015-08-11 08:13:58来源: 亿邦动力网

近日,一篇题为“顺丰嘿客关闭,物流大佬王卫替O2O创业者交了10亿学费换来的四个教训”的文章在微信朋友圈广泛传播。文中写到,物流大佬王卫低调关闭风光一时的顺丰“嘿客”,对外宣称转型升级为“顺丰家”。 针对这一说法,顺丰总部公共事务负责人表示否认,她告诉《每日经济新闻》记者,根据考核情况嘿客门店近期会有一些调整,但总体数量还会增加,且在很长一段时间内,嘿客和顺丰家将同时存在。嘿客和顺丰家区别不大《每日经济新闻》记者了解,截至目前深圳只有两家顺丰家,其运营模式与之前的嘿客并无太大区别。8月10日,记者前往深圳南山区的顺丰家,店铺工作人员告诉记者,这家店由以前的嘿客店升级而来,新增了商品细化和便民服...

, entitled "Hey SF off off, logistics big brother Wang Wei for the o2o entrepreneurs pay 10 billion in tuition fees in exchange for the four lessons" the circle of friends in the micro channel are widely spread. Wrote, logistics big brother Wang Wei low-key close scenery 1:00 SF hey off, announcing the transformation and upgrading of SF home ". According to this argument, SF headquarters public affairs responsible person denied, she told the "daily economic news" reporter, according to assessment of hey off stores recently will have some adjustments, but overall the number will increase and in a very long period of time, hey off and SF home will exist at the same time. Hey off and SF home very different "daily economic news" reporter understanding, up to the Shenzhen only two SF home, its operation mode and before hey passengers did not too big difference. On October 8, the reporter went to the Nanshan District of Shenzhen SF, store staff told reporters that the shop by the previous hey Inn upgrade, added that refines commodity and convenience services...