新关注 > 信息聚合 > CS:GO国服4月18日首测 推出三网同服荣耀用户等新功能

CS:GO国服4月18日首测 推出三网同服荣耀用户等新功能

CS: GO dress on April 18, was first launched three new features such as user network with uniform glory

2017-04-11 16:39:07来源: DoNews

DoNews互娱4月11日消息(记者 刘胜军)《CS:GO》国服将由完美世界独家代理,于4月18日开启首测。国服版本将推出国际服数据继承、三网同服和以VAC系统和“荣耀用户认证”为核心的反作弊系统。李海毅介绍国服版据完美世界高级副总裁李海毅介绍,《CS:GO》国服将延续CS系列游戏精华,继承原味玩法和V社以往的全民社区系统。在此基础上,国服将针对玩家所反映的各种问题,在游戏内容和社区服务两个方面做出革新。游戏内容方面,国服将推出外服数据全继承、一级节点、三网同服、智能SDR系统以及由VAC系统、真人录像监管和荣耀用户认证系统组成的反作弊体统。国服玩家可以通过数据继承系统将国际服账号内所有道具传...

DoNews mutual entertainment news (reporter sheng-jun liu) on April 11th the CS: GO dress will be perfect world exclusive agent, open the first test on April 18th. Dress version will launch the international uniform data inheritance, three network with uniform and VAC system and user authentication "glory" as the core of the anti cheat system. Li Haiyi introduce the clothes version according to perfect world Li Haiyi senior vice President, the CS: GO dress will continue CS series essence, inherit the original play and V club before the community system. On this basis, the clothes will be for all sorts of problems, reflected by the players in the game content and community service two aspects to make innovations. Game content, the clothes will introduce outward data inheritance, level of node and all three network with suits, intelligent SDR system as well as by the VAC system, live-action video supervision and glory anti-cheat system composed of user authentication system. The players can pass data inheritance system would transmit the international clothing accounts within all props...