新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿森纳头号玻璃人又伤了 温格错信了他多少年?

阿森纳头号玻璃人又伤了 温格错信了他多少年?

Arsenal's glass and hurt wenger wrong letter he how many years?

2016-08-02 14:02:50来源: 新浪

威尔谢尔一直没什么长进 新浪体育讯 据英国媒体《太阳报》的消息,阿森纳的威尔谢尔又伤了。枪手主帅温格确认,威尔谢尔的膝盖骨有些轻微的问题,好在问题不损严重,周五面对维京的人身赛,威尔谢尔可能会回...

Wilshere has no bearing on sina sports news According to British media news of the sun, Arsenal's jack wilshere and hurt. Gunners boss arsene wenger has confirmed that some slight wilshere knee problem, but the problem is not loss serious, on Friday in front of the person the Viking, wilshere may back to...