新关注 > 信息聚合 > 腾讯协助警方抓获6名《英雄联盟》外挂从业者


Tencent to assist the police arrested six "hero alliance" plugins practitioners

2017-11-26 11:43:50来源: DoNews

DoNews互娱11月26日消息(记者 顾福昌)近日腾讯游戏安全中心发表公告称,腾讯公司已经协助警方抓获了6名《英雄联盟》外挂制作、贩卖人员。公告中提到了腾讯守护者计划安全团队协助警方侦破了“4·12 破坏计算机信息系统案”,抓获了制售游戏“外挂”、出售非法获取帐号及运营“发卡平台”等游戏“外挂”涉及的各类嫌疑人,包括涉嫌买卖《英雄联盟》“外挂”和非法获取的游戏账号密码的嫌疑人6名。今年4月,连云港市公安局网安支队接到腾讯公司举报,有人通过互联网大量出售非法获取的《英雄联盟》帐号及游戏“外挂”,严重破坏了游戏的公平性,且存在窃取公民个人信息的风险。腾讯游戏安全中心也透露了部分案件细节:4月13...

DoNews mutual entertainment on November 26, news (reporter Gu Fuchang) tencent games security center recently issued announcement, tencent has helped the police arrested six "hero alliance" external production and selling. Statement mentioned tencent shepherd plan security team to assist the police uncovered a "4 · 12 damage in computer information system", captured these game "plugins", sold illegally obtaining account and operating "card platform" game "plugins" involves various kinds of suspects, including the suspected of buying and selling "hero alliance" plugins "and" six suspected of illegally obtaining game account password. In April, the it team received the tencent company lianyungang city public security bureau to report, someone selling illegally obtained via the Internet "hero alliance" account and games "plugins", severely damaged the fairness of the game, and the risk of steal citizens' personal information. Tencent game security center also revealed some cases details: April 13...

标签: 英雄联盟 腾讯