新关注 > 信息聚合 > 人气动画《食戟之灵》手游预约中


Popular animation "eating halberd spirit of hand travel reservation in

2015-05-23 10:37:00来源: 18183

感兴趣的玩家可以追追这个番,貌似春药才是主角。游戏的类型为“食戟Action”.官方表示是一款“料理对决”和"Timeing Action"性质的新感觉的战斗游戏。 《食戟之灵》是日本人气动画,今年4月开播,看起来男主和卫宫士郎有些像呢!日前日本万代南梦宫娱乐(Bandai Namc...

feeling interested players can chase the fan, seemingly aphrodisiac is the protagonist. The game type "halberd food action". Officials say is a "food duel" and fighting game with a new sense of "Timeing action" in nature. "Food halberd spirit" is a popular Japanese animation, in April this year launch, looks male Lord and Archer some like it! Recently Japanese Namco Bandai Entertainment (Bandai Namc...

标签: 手游