新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重磅人物增援 史诗唱片前总裁加盟Apple Music

重磅人物增援 史诗唱片前总裁加盟Apple Music

Famous names reinforcements Epic records before the President to join Apple Music

2016-09-25 08:26:30来源: 电玩巴士

Apple Music 如今看起来越来越像一家唱片公司了,而似乎苹果公司想将史诗唱片(Epic Records)前总裁 Scott Seviour 招徕到 Apple Music 旗下。 说到史...

Apple Music now looks more like a record company, and seemed to Apple to Epic Records (Epic Records) former President Scott Seviour drum up to Apple's Music. When it comes to s...

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