新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《西游无双》昨日开启新服五指山!各大帮派强势崛起


"Journey to the west is matchless" yesterday opened the new service Wuzhishan! Each big gang strong rise

2015-11-21 10:16:09来源: 电玩巴士


3D turned fantasy online games, "journey to the west is matchless" yesterday 14:00 new service "Wuzhishan" hot open! Many interesting new ways, new fashion, a new copy, new welfare activities swarmed, upgrade is constantly surprises! Years of thw only for today's matchless, ancient and modern change road all in the transformation, exchange equipment, rare suit, magic, scripture the exchange with you to embark on a different West learn from. The West has not changed, I changed. 2015 one up...