新关注 > 信息聚合 > 迁西“板栗树王”今年600岁(图)


Qianxi Chestnut Tree king "this year, 600 years old (Figure)

2015-06-11 08:24:11来源: 环渤海新闻网

迁西“板栗树王”今年600岁 环渤海新闻网消息 在迁西县层层叠叠的板栗林中,有一棵已600岁的“板栗树王”。日前,记者在该县兴城镇新立庄见到了这棵历经风雨的古树。 这棵树胸径约1.5米,需要...

Qianxi County in the" chestnut tree king "600 year old ring Bohai Sea news network news in layer upon layer of Qianxi Chestnut forest, there is a tree has a 600 year old" chestnut tree king ". A few days ago, the reporter in the county town of new village to see the tree after the wind and rain. The tree diameter at breast height of about 1.5 meters, need to...