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[Sabah] land below the wind visit MERMAID ISLAND

2015-07-09 16:47:31来源: 搜狐

美人鱼岛地处马来西亚沙巴州,属于世界生态保护组织管制的海洋生态保护海域,游客来此只能从事无污染的水上活动,如浮潜或深潜。 美人鱼岛上有绵延的白色沙滩,清澈见底的海水,淳朴的龙古斯民族、随风摇曳的...

Mermaid island to office in Sabah, Malaysia, belongs to the world organization for the protection of ecological control of marine ecological protection area, visitors to this can only engage in non polluting water activities, such as snorkeling or scuba diving. The mermaid island has a long white sandy beaches, crystal clear water, the simple folk, the wind swaying...