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GIF-首发被抢?库娃回归霸气扑点 不负穆帅信任

Gif first robbed? Anna regression domineering flutter point not negative Mourinho trust

2015-08-23 21:46:54来源: 网易

网易体育8月23日报道: 英超第3轮,切尔西客场挑战西布朗。开场仅13分钟切尔西就遭遇重大考验,马蒂奇禁区内对麦克马纳曼犯规,主裁判克拉滕伯格吹罚点球。身高1米98的库尔图瓦力挽狂澜,在倒地的情况...

Netease sports 8 month 23 reports: first three Premier League, Chelsea away to challenge WBA. In the first 13 minutes, Chelsea suffered a major test, the Matic area within the area of Mcmanaman foul, the referee Berg KIatten penalty. The height of 1 meters 98 korto Wall-E tide, the situation on the ground...