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手绘背景墙 给孩子精彩的童年

Hand-painted wall of setting of Wonderful childhood for children

2016-07-06 10:03:18来源: 大河网

原标题: 手绘背景墙 给孩子精彩的童年 书架是小火车的样子,手绘的朵朵白云就是火车吐出的烟团 PART A:茂盛的植物 象征:健康成长 墙面配色:绿色、棕色 绿色的墙面上,一棵参天的大...

The original title: hand-painted wall in the background Wonderful childhood for children Bookshelf is the appearance of the little train, hand-painted the clouds is the train's tobacco group PART A: the lush plants Symbol: healthy growth The metope of metope color: green, brown, green, one big tree...