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前大众点评CIO低调创业 涉足零售营销

Before public comment CIO low-key business involved in retail marketing

2015-07-28 08:05:26来源: 亿邦动力网


7 March 28, billion state power network learned exclusively, the original public comment CIO min Jie has been in April low-key entrepreneurship and its marketing integration services company Yi krypton Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Yi krypton). The original public comment CIO min Jie according to billion state power network, the company focused on providing perfect membership marketing and interactive products for major brands and retailers, has in May this year get hundreds of million angel investment legend of the star. Jie min for billion state power network said that chose to do poineering work again, is hoping to start a real small entrepreneurial team and enjoy the entrepreneurial passion, and a bunch of really like people really like things. And choose founded Yi krypton, from its physical stores sales experience as the main brand and retail department store industry entry, min Jie said that is because from the retail industry experienced practitioners found o2o still to eat, drink, and be merry, for the main entry industry and line under the subject of retail stores experiential...