新关注 > 信息聚合 > 百万英镑近在眼前 奥沙利文:改变一生的一笔钱

百万英镑近在眼前 奥沙利文:改变一生的一笔钱

Millions of pounds in sight His: a sum of money that would change his life

2016-10-11 01:10:01来源: 新浪

年轻时的奥沙利文和怀特 2016斯诺克英格兰公开赛即将于本周一在英国曼彻斯特开杆,本届英格兰公开赛期间,罗尼·奥沙利文、吉米·怀特和尼尔·富尔兹(前世界排名第3)将作为欧洲体育的嘉宾团队,参与欧...

When he was young his and white in the forthcoming 2016 snooker England open on Monday was in Manchester, England, during the current England open, Ronnie his, Jimmy white and Neil darfur (3) in the former world will as guest of European sports team, participate in the...