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Google Shopping黑色星期五前“大变身”

Google Shopping black Friday "makeover"

2014-11-27 15:32:41来源: 亿邦动力网

【亿邦动力网讯】想在黑色星期五淘到点好货的话,没有准备可是不行的,针对这种情况谷歌就想出了新的解决方案。在谷歌的搜索比价应用Google Shopping上添加了新功能,当用户在搜索某一个特定的商品时,Google Shopping将搜索结果添加了更多的信息,包括在售商店和用户评论等。 ...

billion state power network on black Friday Amoy some good goods, not ready but not, in view of this situation Google came up with a new solution. Add a new function in the application of Google Google search rate of exchange on the Shopping, when the user in the search for a particular commodity, Google Shopping will search results to add more information, including in the sale of shops and user comments, etc.. ...