新关注 > 信息聚合 > 活动召唤武将攻略 暗Berserker教你如何做竞技场..

活动召唤武将攻略 暗Berserker教你如何做竞技场..

The generals call dark Berserker activities Raiders teach you how to do the arena.

2015-12-14 23:14:29来源: 不凡游戏网

无论哪一个游戏,前期的竞技场总是让PVP玩家们感到心累的地方。毕竟大家都刚刚才在游戏中一起起步,各个方面的差距也不是那么的明显,更不要说,对《亿 次元》这款游戏的所有内容也都还处于摸索状态。不过,不要“方”,今天小编我就为大家带来一篇亿次元的竞技场武将攻略啦!来,跟我一起看看,前期竞技...

No matter which game, the early stage of the arena is always so PVP players feel tired of the place. After all, everyone Dou Gang just started in the game, the gap between the various aspects are not so obvious, but not to say, for the billion yuan, the game is still in a state of exploration. However, not to "party", Xiao Bian today I bring you a million dimensional arena Raiders generals! Come on, look at me, the early stage...