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iPhone 8发布会在即 想要了解的爆料都在这里

IPhone 8 conference of want to know the fact of are all here

2017-08-29 13:38:29来源: DoNews

随着苹果秋季发布会的临近,关于iPhone8的爆料也越来越密集,果粉们时刻关注八卦的同时也在好奇,新一代iPhone所谓的黑科技到底有多“黑”,就连李开复老师也入了苹果的坑,在微博上就iPhone8长度与粉丝互动起来。图一:李开复微博发布内容iPhone8外观变长,腮红金成主打配色近日,有粉丝对库克前往辛辛那提访问苹果供应商工厂的推特图片,进行如下推断:根据库克的身高(6英尺3英寸)判定其眼镜宽度为120 mm,然后根据比例判断库克口袋中的iPhone是一部156 x74mm的设备,比 iPhone7 Plus短一些,也窄一些,这个尺寸与之前曝光的 iPhone8的尺寸吻合。足见,iPhone...

With the approaching of the apple fall event, Revelations about iPhone8 also more and more intensive, fans attention to gossip curiosity at the same time, a new generation of the so-called black how "black" science and technology, even Mr Lee teacher into the pit of the apple, on weibo iPhone8 length to interact with fans. Graph one: lee weibo content iPhone8 longer appearance, cheek is red on the main color recently, there are fans of cook visited Cincinnati apple suppliers twitter pictures of the factory, are concluded as follows: based on the height of the cook (6 ft 3 inches) to determine the width of glasses is 120 mm, and then according to the proportion of judging cook the iPhone is a 156 x74mm equipment in pockets, shorter than iPhone7 Plus some, also some narrow, before the size and the size of the exposure of iPhone8 anastomosis. It serves to show the iPhone...