新关注 > 信息聚合 > 叉叉助手推出iOS《旅行青蛙》加速旅行汉化破解版


Fork fork assistant to launch the iOS travel frog accelerated trip localization cracked versions

2018-01-26 00:00:00来源: 人民网

“这只佛系青蛙能够让你得到治愈”,这款已经成为中国App Store免费下载榜第一名的「旅行青蛙」凭借清新的画风、日式的小治愈走红了网络,玩法相当简单但玩家们仍为满屏的日语、有限的三叶草、迟迟不归的蛙崽发愁,但叉叉重磅推出「旅行青蛙」极速旅行破解汉化版,iOS安卓双端完美实现全中文汉化、无限三叶草,还有旅行时间加速,极速旅行,极速搜集明信片,让你不用天天在家等蛙崽! 「旅行青蛙」的玩法非常日常,玩家只需要用庭院中收割的三叶草购买商店中的食物和用具帮蛙崽打包行李,蛙崽在旅行回家之后带回特产和照片。叉叉的极速旅行功能,让你的蛙崽瞬间出门回家,还带着大批明信片和美食特产!还有详尽攻略必定让...

"This Buddha is a frog can let you be cured" and it has become China's App Store for free download the list of the top travel "frog" with pure and fresh style, Japanese small cure hit the web, play quite simple but players still to full screen, limited clover, Japanese usually reluctant to the frog, but blockbuster launch fork fork travel "frog" travel speed crack localization version, iOS android double ended all Chinese localization, infinite perfect realization clover, speed and travel time, travel speed, speed collecting postcards, let you don't have such as frog pups at home every day! "Travel a frog play very daily, players need only clover to buy in the store food in the harvest in the courtyard and utensils for frog pups pack, frog pups after travel home back to the specialty and photos. X the speed of travel, let you of the frog pups instantly go out home, with a large number of postcards and food products. And detailed strategy must make...

标签: iOS