新关注 > 信息聚合 > 由360酷派投资纠纷看创业融资需注意的“坑”


From 360 cool investment disputes to see the need to pay attention to the pit pit

2015-09-15 09:12:23来源: DoNews

如果酷派不是香港上市公司,恐怕大多数人也无法知晓360与酷派之间达成的股东协议和股权认购协议细节。 要知道,股东协议或投资协议一般都属于需保密的事项,仅限签署双方知晓且不为任何第三方知晓。如今,360酷派一度紧张的关系,让双方曾经的股东协议和股权认购协议细节得以浮出水面。而这些要点其实就在当初酷派公告达成合作时,已经在公告中详细提及。那么,从360酷派签署的股东协议中,广大创业者又能吸取那些教训?在可能的各类融资中,又该如何避开各种“坑”呢?360酷派合作名为联盟实为风险投资虽然360酷派此前在对外宣传中,强调双方是“战略合作”或“战略联盟”,但实际上,双方之前的合作定位为风险投资合作更为合适...

if not a Hong Kong listed companies, I am afraid most people can not know the agreement between the 360 and the cool and the details of the share subscription agreement. To know that the shareholders' agreement or investment agreements are generally required to be kept confidential, only to sign the two sides know and not for any third party to know. Today, the relationship between the 360 cool once tight, so that both parties had a shareholder agreement and details of the equity subscription agreement to surface. And these points in fact, when the original cool announcement reached cooperation, has been mentioned in the announcement. So, from the agreement signed by the 360 shareholders, the majority of entrepreneurs can learn from the potential of various types of financing, and how to avoid all kinds of pit, 360 cool cooperation named alliance is actually venture capital, although 360 cool previously in external publicity, stressed that the two parties is strategic cooperation or strategic alliance, but in fact, the cooperation between the two sides before the venture capital cooperation is more appropriate...