新关注 > 信息聚合 > 铭记赛季改动的辉煌 S6赛季前夕有感

铭记赛季改动的辉煌 S6赛季前夕有感

Bearing in mind the season changes brilliant S6 season on the eve of sense of

2015-11-13 14:44:03来源: 爱拍游戏

英雄联盟(以下简称lol)S6赛季就要到来了,对于新的赛季带来的改动小伙伴们也是褒贬不一,那这次的改动到底是好还是坏呢?让小编带你回顾一下lol前面两个赛季的改动,从旧版本看新版本,怎么也应该轮到了ADC了吧?相信大家看了之后对于S6赛季的改动会有更深入的认识。 S4赛季lol也进行了...

hero alliance (hereinafter referred to as lol) S6 season is coming, for the new season to bring changes small partners are mixed, the changes in the end is good or bad?? let Xiaobian take you to care about lol front two seasons change, from the old version see new version, how should also turn the ADC the? I believe we have a better understanding of the changes after the S6 season. Lol season S4 also carried out...