新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏说:“这把赢了就睡觉”也只是说说而已


The game said: "this has won the sleep" also just talk about

2015-11-12 12:29:11来源: 4399

最近越来越发现,游戏玩家心理真的是一个很奇妙的世界,我发现有很多值得我们拿出来说一说的。上周我们说了“反复升级”,我看到好像留言中有人问我,“打赢一把就睡觉”是个什么心理,我觉得这个问题蛮有意思的,我还会给大家讲些游戏针对玩家心理的一些小设定。 ▍幸福感的先后顺序 我们还是先说一个小...

recently discovered that the game player is really a very strange psychology, I found that there are a lot of it is worth us to take out to say. Last week, we said "repeatedly", I see someone in the message to ask me, "to win a fight to sleep" is a psychological, I think this question is very interesting, I will give you some of the game for the players to some small set of psychological. In order to man happiness we should say a little...

标签: 游戏