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Hello语音杯虚荣争霸赛报名开启 万元奖金等你拿

Hello voice cup champions for open a RMB ten thousand bonus for vanity when you get it

2018-08-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近日,Hello语音杯虚荣争霸赛即将开始,现已开启报名通道。本次比赛面向全网的“虚荣”玩家,奖金高达23000元。选手只需5人组队,即可报名。 据悉,“虚荣争霸赛”是Hello语音手游开黑节的系列赛事之一,由Hello语音联合“虚荣”官方举办。报名时间为8月15日至8月25日,参赛选手需组队报名。比赛分为海选赛、晋级赛、总决赛3个阶段,海选赛将在8月30日打响。 比赛前3名共获得23000元奖金,第4名至第8名共获得28000ICE,其余所有参赛队伍都能获得1500ICE。比赛全程设置了游客抽奖环节,送出精美礼品。主办方为便于选手们的配合,全程提供Hello语音作为开黑支持,祝愿选手...

Recently, Hello voice cup vanity challenge is about to begin, now open channel. This contest is open to cut "vanity" players, bonus of up to 23000 yuan. Team, player just 5 people to sign up. It is reported, "vanity supremacy" is the Hello voice mobile game one of the black section series of events, held by the joint "peacockish" Hello voice official. On August 15 solstice time signing up for August 25, the competitors need to team up for registration. The game is divided into three auditions, second, the finals stage, the audition will be launched on August 30. Before the game 3 received a RMB 23000 bonus, 4 to 8, a total of 28000 ice, the rest all teams can get 1500 ice. Game set up tourist draw link all the way, the exquisite gift sent. The organizers for the players to cooperate, Hello voice as a black support all the way, wish player...