新关注 > 信息聚合 > bilibili打造第一届二次元游戏大会 携手共迎ACG..

bilibili打造第一届二次元游戏大会 携手共迎ACG..

BiliBili to create the first session of the second dimension game conference work together to meet ACG..

2015-07-24 10:49:45来源: 178游戏网


in two dimensional game in the market gained huge success, the second element so that it has become many game makers pay close attention to the field. According to statistics, 2015 country of second half of the year there will be more than 20 models of two dimensional game on the line, the big game makers have been gearing up, hope to seize more opportunities in the field of duality. In view of the current development status and trend of the two yuan game, BiliBili game is scheduled for July 28th (next Wednesday) in the...

标签: 游戏