新关注 > 信息聚合 > 最爱竟是机甲模型!宅系满点的日本女优樱由罗


Love is mecha model! Japanese sakura by luo house is full working hours

2016-02-24 12:40:35来源: 17173

看到这张图片,你一定又联想到了某个机甲控宅男的房间。然而事实正好相反,这些高达和EVA模型的所有者是一位20岁的日本萌妹。 (点此看大图) 我们从未想过玩家的群体能有多么大,其中的人能够多么丰富。就像在周杰伦、陈赫、Angelababy、林更新等等等等明星之前,我们从没想过一位众人...

See this picture, you must have lenovo at some mecha otaku control room. In fact the opposite is true, however, the high and the owner of the EVA model is a 20 - year - old Japanese 'sister. (click here to see a larger image) we have never thought about how big players group can, of which one can how rich. Just like in jay Chou, Chen He, Angelababy, update and so on star before Lin, we never thought a public...