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崩坏3rd以太碎片属性详解 以太碎片获得方法

Pieces of collapse 3 rd etheric attribute, rounding The etheric pieces get method

2016-05-06 18:01:09来源: TechWeb

完成剧情任务的时候会获得以太碎片接下来小编就跟大家一起看看以太碎片的属性详解,看看以太碎片的获得方法吧。 以太碎片 提供1000点装备经验值,如果用于强化武器,额外提供500点装备经验值 一块发出淡淡蓝光的以太碎片,可以强化武器。 以太碎片的作用 以太碎片的作用是强化装备,尤其...

Complete the story missions would get the etheric pieces when the next small make up will see together with you the etheric fragments the properties of the explanation, the etheric fragments obtained method. The etheric fragments provide 1000 equipment experience, when used for strengthening weapons, an additional 500 equipment experience the etheric pieces, a piece of a light blue can strengthen the weapons. The etheric fragments The etheric fragments is the function of strengthening equipment, especially...