新关注 > 信息聚合 > 9大维度揭秘李笑来区块链项目投资调研方法


Investment research methods 9 dimensions to block secret Li Chain Project

2018-03-13 17:54:00来源: 品途网

BlockBeats 区块律动在搜集其他项目资料时,意外发现了一段 2015 年李笑来的演讲。 和李笑来的众多演讲的内容大不相同,这段演讲主要给投资者普及如何在投资和创业前做好「行业调研」。 在翻看过后,我们发现在当时,李笑来对一些一些行业的理解,对投资项目调查的方法,甚至对很多投资工具使用,远远超过了一些专业的投资机构。 李笑来,比特币首富,币圈大佬。2017 年,李笑来和优领资本易理华成立了硬币资本。2017 年 7 月,李笑来硬币资本投资的 PressOne 项目宣布完成了 2 亿美元的代币众筹,创下国内最快 ICO 记录。很快 PressOne 项目就被政府监管机构以非法集资的名义叫...

The BlockBeats block was an unexpected discovery of a speech by Li Xiaolai in 2015 when he collected information on other projects. It's quite different from the content of many of Li Xiaolai's speeches, which mainly gives investors how to do "industry research" before investing and starting a business. After looking through it, we found that at that time, Li Xiaolai's understanding of some industries, the methods of investigating investment projects, and even the use of many investment tools far exceeded that of some professional investment institutions. Li Xiaolai, the richest bit in bitcoin, a big coin man. In 2017, Li Xiaolai and easy to set up Lihua collar capital capital coin. In July 2017, the PressOne project of the Li Xiaolai coin Capital Investment announced that it had completed a total of $200 million in the number of tokens, creating the fastest ICO record in the country. Soon the PressOne project was called by the government regulators in the name of illegal fund-raising.

标签: 区块链