新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杭州绿城育华小学一场名校长面对面活动 两位校长..

杭州绿城育华小学一场名校长面对面活动 两位校长..

Hangzhou Greentown Yuhua primary school principals face a two principals..

2015-04-02 07:42:25来源: 浙江在线

浙江在线·教育新闻网04月02日讯 上周末,在杭州绿城育华小学有一场2015钱报升学行动名校长面对面活动,因为想到现场听报告的家长实在太多,学校不得不提前发放体验券,家长只有出示体验券才能入场。 ...

Zhejiang online education news 04 month 02 days over the weekend, in Hangzhou Greentown Yuhua primary school has a 2015 graduation money newspaper operation principals face to face, because I think the site to listen to the report of the parents is really too much, the school had to advance payment experience voucher, parents only show experience voucher before admission. ...