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《苍龙三国志DH》评测:中规中矩没什么不好 但难..

Average black dragon DH center review: there's nothing wrong But difficult to..

2016-04-21 12:44:25来源: 任玩堂

时至今日,经典名著的“三国题材”依然很受游戏业界的欢迎,虽然对于国人来说已经不是什么新鲜东西,但在外国人眼中,还是很吃香的。所以现在很多游戏制作商都选择先往海外发展,获赞后再回归国内这条战略路线,而《苍龙三国志DH》也正是海归的一员,而且也被苹果东南亚区 App Store 联合推荐。 ...

Today, the classic "three subjects" is still popular with the game industry, although is no longer a fresh things for people, but in the eyes of foreigners, is very popular. So now a lot of game production agent choose overseas development first, won the praise to return home after the strategic route, and the black dragon DH center is also a member of the returnees, and southeast Asia by apple's App Store recommended. ...