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兵圣出山 《少年三国志》暗金名将孙武登场

The ultimate master of war mountain boy adapted unique star sun wu

2019-01-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

现象级卡牌手游《少年三国志》全新暗金名将“孙武”现已正式上线,作为压轴登场的暗金名将,孙武拥有多重暴力输出大招和控制技能,还可在对决时为全体阵容提供强力续航,从而助力少年征战三国。 暗金名将“孙武”正式登场 登场双大招 输出控制兼具 暗金名将“孙武”登场技能预览 历史上的孙武调兵遣将,用兵如神,并著有“兵学圣典”《孙子兵法》。这位中国春秋时期著名的军事家、政治家,又称“兵家至圣”,被誉为“百世兵家之师”、“东方兵学的鼻祖”,是叱咤乱世的名帅。 在游戏中,孙武的强力登场技能“止戈”发动时,除了可对敌方造成大量的物理伤害、元素伤害外,还可在清除敌方主力武将增益的同时,使其陷入晕...

Phenomenal card player boy swim adapted new unique name "sun wu" has been officially launched, the unique name to come back as a finale, sun tzu have multiple output that violence and control skills, but also in the showdown with powerful momentum for the squad, so as to help teenagers in three kingdoms. Unique name "sun wu" debut His double major recruit Output control both Unique name "sun wu" preview on skills In the history of sun wu rushed, YongBingRuShen, and is the author of "tsu" sun tzu's the art of war. The spring and autumn period in China's famous strategist, statesman, also known as military commander "holy", has been hailed as a military commander "immortal", "Oriental art", is the winner of a handsome. Skills in the game, sun tzu's powerful debut "check" start, besides can cause a lot of physical damage to an enemy, elemental damage outside, also can be in clean up enemy gain main military commanders at the same time, make it into a halo...