新关注 > 信息聚合 > 已证实!LV和Gucci合并传闻系造假


Already confirmed! LV and Gucci merger rumors of fraud

2016-04-06 10:51:27来源: 亿邦动力网

4月6日消息,近日,多家媒体转载LV和GUCCI合并的消息。亿邦动力网已向LVMH集团求证,集团内部相关负责人表示消息不属实,合并根本不可能。据亿邦动力网了解,国内媒体的报道源大多来自于法国时尚媒体la douts,该媒体在报道中称,路易威登CEO Michael Burke日前宣布已与意大利GUCCI集团达成合并协议,结成奢侈品集团巨无霸。合并之后,两大集团保持品牌独立运营。消息乍一出着实让人震惊,而抛开愚人节这一“可疑”的时间点,报道细节本身值得再推敲。要知道Gucci本身不是集团,其隶属于开云集团,又何来的两大集团合并的消息。据亿邦动力网了解,日前一份来自瑞士联合银行的调查显示,中美千禧...

April 6th news, recently, a number of media reproduced GUCCI and LV merger news. Billion state power network has to verify LVMH group within the group, the relevant responsible person said the news is not true, and impossible. It is understood billion state power network, domestic media reported sources, mostly from French fashion media La douts, the media said in the report, Louis Vuitton CEO Michael Burke announced a few days ago has reached a merger agreement with the Italian Gucci group, formed giant, a luxury goods group. After the merger, the two groups to maintain independent brand operations. News at first glance really shocking, and put aside April Fool's day this "suspicious" of the time, the details of the report itself is worth further scrutiny. To know that Gucci itself is not a group, which belongs to the open cloud group, where the merger of the two major groups of news. According billion state power network is understood from a survey before the date of the Union Bank of Switzerland, China millennium...