新关注 > 信息聚合 > 聚焦315 去年深圳网购投诉7000多宗

聚焦315 去年深圳网购投诉7000多宗

Focus 315 last year Shenzhen online shopping complaints more than 7000 cases of

2015-03-17 10:31:33来源: 本地宝

昨日起,又一保护消费者权益的新规——《侵害消费者权益行为处罚办法》(以下简称《处罚办法》)正式实施,网购无理由退货不得拖延或拒绝成为深圳市民关注焦点。深圳市民是网购大户,去年双十一成交额雄踞广东省榜首。但去年,深圳网购投诉7000多宗,六成以上为网购通讯产品投诉。 漫画册子助市民认识...

yesterday, a consumer protection regulations -- "against the interests of consumers behavior punishment measures" (hereinafter referred to as the "punishment") the formal implementation of online shopping, no reason to return without delay or refuse to become the focus of public concern in Shenzhen. The people of Shenzhen is online shopping consumer, double eleven turnover last year ranked top Guangdong province. But last year, Shenzhen online shopping complaints more than 7000 cases, six into above for online shopping communication product complaints. Comic booklet to help the public understand...