新关注 > 信息聚合 > 蓬景数字荣膺金坐标两项大奖!


There are two awards for the golden coordinates.

2017-09-12 16:17:34来源: DoNews

2017年9月8日,由广告主传媒主办的“妙算2017:大数据移动营销节暨第四届移动营销金坐标奖”颁奖盛典,在北京泰富酒店拉开帷幕,蓬景数字亮相此次盛典并凭借优秀的营销能力、精尖的技术手段斩获两项大奖:《北汽威旺M50F 创意与技术玩转移动精准营销》案例荣获第四届移动营销金坐标奖最佳效果广告案例奖;《奥丁- 移动整合营销平台》案例荣获第四届移动营销金坐标奖2017年度最佳移动广告平台奖。本届大数据移动营销节以“妙算2017”为主题,是科学与艺术的一次相遇, 是大数据营销与移动营销的一次交融,是数据、事实与预测、趋势的一次邂逅。此次颁奖盛典,旨在表彰行业内杰出的策略、营销创意,促进整个行业营销传播...

In September 8, 2017, sponsored by the media, advertisers' 2017 big data: mobile marketing mobile marketing gold Festival and the fourth coordinate award awards ceremony in Beijing kicked off the Pacific Hotel, Peng Jing unveiled the ceremony and digital technology gains with excellent marketing capabilities, sophisticated two awards: "M50F creative and Beiqi Wei Wang technology fun mobile precision marketing case" won the fourth gold award for best mobile marketing coordinate effect of advertising case Award; "Odin mobile integrated marketing platform" case won the fourth gold award for the year 2017 mobile marketing coordinates of the best mobile advertising platform award. The big data mobile marketing section to "'2017" as the theme, is a meeting of science and art, is a blend of big data marketing and mobile marketing, is an encounter data, facts and forecasts, trends. This award ceremony is aimed at commending the industry's outstanding strategies, marketing ideas, and promoting the marketing and dissemination of the whole industry.