新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL全明星2015遭遇退赛风暴 退赛理由令人咋舌

LOL全明星2015遭遇退赛风暴 退赛理由令人咋舌

LOL All-Star 2015 storm hit retire retire grounds staggering

2015-12-08 13:44:07来源: TechWeb

一年一度的英雄联盟LOL全明星赛即将2015年12月11日在美国拉开帷幕,这场盛典将由全世界网友票选出来的顶尖明星选手为我们呈现。然而,经过全球网友认真谨慎投票过后选出的全明星阵容,在距离开赛还不到半个月的时间里就已经有五名顶尖选手宣布推出全明星。 玩家最为期待且一年一度的全明星赛事,...

The annual LOL League All-Star Game is about to December 11, 2015 kicked off in the United States, this festival will be voted out of the world's top users of star players to show us. However, only after a careful cautious users worldwide vote for All-Star start at a distance of less than half a month's time, there were already five top players announced the All-Star. And most players look forward to the annual all-star event, ...

标签: LOL