新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国手游肖健:IP是种资源,2015年不做减法


Chinese Mobile Games Xiao Jian: IP is a kind of resources, in 2015 not to do subtraction

2015-01-13 11:19:55来源: 新浪


2015 year in January 8th, by the Chinese Mobile Games (CMGE) held Mobile Games "pleasant goat run" conference held in Hotel Nikko Xiamen. After the meeting, China Mobile Games CEO Xiao Jian accepted the interview of sina game, his IP market status and future of mature conditions expressed their own views, also revealed that this year Chinese Mobile Games upcoming IP products -- in addition to the beginning of the year 2015 masterpiece "pleasant goat run", including...

标签: 手游