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The sanctuary of the Three Kingdoms "Adorable counterattack" transfiguration Daquan

2014-11-29 09:55:49来源: 多玩游戏

还在抱怨那身臃肿笨重的盔甲吗,还在踌躇商城皮肤买不起吗,还在苦恼无法提升自己的逼格吗?《圣域三国》变身术,满足你的酷炫外观的追求!这里有丰富的变身方法和技巧,呆萌多样的变身形态甚至绚丽的被动技能,让你从此爱上变身从此停不下来! 花样任务变变变 什么,做任务也能变身?那是当然的,《...

still complain that body cumbersome armor, still hesitant to store the skin can not afford to buy it, still unable worriedly upgrade their forced lattice? "Three Kingdoms" sanctuary transfiguration, meet your cool appearance pursuit! Here are turned the methods and skills of rich, passive skills stay adorable various morph even brilliant, fall in love with you from the change from stop! Figure task change what, do the task can be transformed? That's for sure, "...