新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游族网络陈礼标:IP新趋势下的工程管理理念


Swimming race network Chen Li standard: IP under the new trend of project management

2016-01-13 17:34:20来源: 07073游戏网

1月13日消息,第三届移动游戏产业年度高峰会(MGAS)在厦门正式拉开帷幕,本届峰会围绕主题“产业赢响?多元趋动”,邀请业内知名移动发行商共同探讨产业变革的多元动力。其中,游族网络首席运营官陈礼标出席峰会并发表演讲,立足全球IP新趋势,分享游族网络的IP工程管理理念。 游族网络COO...

On January 13, the third mobile game industry's annual summit (MGAS) officially kicked off in xiamen, the summit around the theme "industry win ring? This diverse", invited the famous mobile publishers to discuss multivariate power industry change. Among them, the swimming race network chief operating officer Chen Li standard summit and delivered a speech, based on the new trend of the global IP, share swim network IP project management ideas. Swimming race network COO...