新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者荣耀KPL季后赛 YY签约战队WeFun携手XQ上演超高水准比赛

王者荣耀KPL季后赛 YY签约战队WeFun携手XQ上演超高水准比赛

King glory KPL playoff YY signing clan WeFun XQ on ultra high level competition together

2017-11-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

11月24日王者荣耀2017KPL季后赛的第二个比赛日将迎来胜者组的首场对战,YY签约战队WeFun与XQ强强对决,为我们上演了决赛级的比赛!6场鏖战之后WeFun2:4惜败XQ。 两队的比赛火药味十分浓烈!比赛一开始就开始正面对决,一波接一波的团战让比赛气氛异常紧张!几乎每一场都打满了20分钟!6场比赛其中有4场翻盘!7kill关羽逆天防守4杀、阿泰的风骚操作0换3、Evildoer精准阻击(直播间ID:70992)、天T完美配合、水晶残血的翻盘!!有太多的精彩瞬间值得回味! 第一场比赛的最后,XQ掌握比赛节奏,双发激战最后进入到了互点水晶的地步!可惜WeFun最终输掉第一局!...

On November 24, 2017 king glory KPL playoff second opening group match day will have a winner against, YY team WeFun signing with XQ big, staged a final grade for us! After six games fighting WeFun2:4 defeat XQ. Two team has very strong! Game start positive from the start, waves of war made the game atmosphere nervous! Almost every a played 20 minutes! There are 4 6 games turn! 7 4 kill kill guan yu go against the defense, artest coquettish 0 in 3 operation, Evildoer accurate sniper (studio ID: 70992), the day T perfect cooperate, crystal residual blood comeback!!!!! There are too many wonderful moments memorable! The end of the first game, XQ grasp rhythm, double fighting finally into to the point of each point crystal! It's a pity that WeFun finally lost the first game! ...

标签: 王者荣耀 YY