新关注 > 信息聚合 > 万国优品公测B2B2C新平台 重新整合品类

万国优品公测B2B2C新平台 重新整合品类

Universal product beta B2B2C new platform to integrate category

2015-07-20 09:57:32来源: 亿邦动力网


7 month on the 20th, billion state power network was informed, cross-border import electricity supplier nations states B2B2C new platform on-line beta. The product CEO Zhang Zongtao introduced, the new platform for further optimization of the process, the B2B2C model has become the biggest bright spot. "Before the universal product platform is B2C and C2C, the new platform is B2B2C mode, through interconnection of international products overseas positions, the territory of bonded warehouse, customs, inspection system, realize overseas B2B, cross-border B2B, domestic B2B and customs clearance B2C, create a new model of universal states cross-border B2B2C, for businesses to create a global trading platform." Zhang Zongtao said. The German Pavilion in addition to the B2B2C innovation model is superior, the National Museum is one of the highlights of the new platform. Universal products early in September 2014 had on-line Germany Pavilion, the new platform for the National Museum of the new revision, break the product list change for interactive experience,...