新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《宇宙之旅》VR评测:身体力行的战略塔防


"Brigade of the universe" VR evaluation: acting on strategic tower

2016-07-15 12:28:38来源: 任玩堂

游戏平台:PC 头戴式显示器支持:HTC Vive 输入设备支持:控制器 游玩范围:房间规模 VR 游戏作为一种新兴的游戏方式,与传统游戏平台的最大不同就是视角和沉浸感。它将玩家置身于游戏之中,玩家不再是悬浮在游戏顶部的上帝,也不是操作游戏主角闯关的玩偶师,而是进入游戏中,...

Game platforms: PC head-mounted display support: HTC Vive input devices support: scope of controller for pleasure: room scale VR game as a new way, and the traditional game platform is one of the biggest different perspectives and immersive. It will players in the game, players are no longer suspended god at the top of their game, nor game protagonist recruit doll division operation, but to the game,...

标签: VR